• Stims & retrieval •

Ok folks so the rest of my days of stems weren’t so horrible at all. A lot of the feedback I got from my IVF sisters was that menopur hurt the worst and yea it wasn’t painless but for someone who has a very LOW pain tolerance it was totally okay. Our retrieval was yesterday at 4:45pm and we triggered the day before at 4:45am <thank you God that I was able to fall back asleep after my HCG and Lupron injections> so it’s been a long weekend. Saturday my lovely in-laws came over and helped us tremendously with yard work; yet I still overdid it. By the end of the day my ovaries ached and were putting so much pressure on my kidneys that it hurt to walk. Luckily my MIL suggested ice packs and they helped so very much.

Ok so about the retrieval–we had to arrive two hours early <we got there even earlier> so that they could collect my husbands sample and then have my sign papers as well as take some Tylenol. Side note: if Tylenol hasn’t worked for you before-it isn’t going to work now. Overall the procedure lasted 45 minutes and I woke up from the anesthesia crying and confused<typical for me>. Nothing registered until my husband held me and said “honey you did so good we’ve got 27 eggs!”, I responded in my ugliest crying face “what?!?”. Laying here right now I still can’t believe it! This whole week they were saying it looks like we can expect 20-24 eggs and then when we went in yesterday our IVF coordinator said around 18-20. Needless to say I we feel so thankful and happy right now.

I just hope our happiness continue into our Day 1 call today<our report in how many of our little eggs fertilized>

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Twenty-five year old IVF warrior, momma of twin little dragons and wife to the very best man

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